Whistler - Directors' Package

About Schedule Register Package Adjudicators Fees Guest Performances

**This page will be updated on a regular basis**

Required Documentation

In order to make things run a little smoother, we require some information from you ahead of time. Listed below are documents to download, fill out and email back to Kelsey ASAP

  1. Ensemble Seating Chart:
  2. Ensemble Biography and Repertoire list (this is what the MC will use to introduce your ensemble)

***one per ensemble***

Photographs, Plaques, Grades & Recordings

All Concert Band and Concert Choir performances are recorded, and those results (with adjudicator comments) will be sent to you via email a few weeks after your performance. For those wanting pictures, we encourage your students or chaperones to take photos of all aspects of the event, except for the evening concerts. We no longer are able to hire professional photographers to document the festival as there was more interest in the personal aspect of photos being taken by participants than there was of paying $$ to receive photos. Everyone has a camera with them and documenting your travels on social media would be of interest to all those that know you (with permission of your subjects of course).

We are no longer giving out plaques but will send a certificate and attach a grade (Gold, Silver, Bronze) to those Directors that want or need this, otherwise the certificate will simply say “Participation”.


Concert & Reception Schedule

We have an exciting series of evening concerts in the Conference Centre on throughout the festival, which are free for participants. Because of the huge enrollment and the limited space in our concert venue, we are scheduling groups for all our concerts. Please check the Guest Performances tab closer to the Festival for when your ensemble is assigned to attend. We are also featuring noon hour concerts as well as evening concerts in the Rainbow Theatre.Many of these concerts are scheduled mid afternoon rather than in the evening so check out the schedule carefully in the New Year for specific events. 


All conductors must bring copies of scores for the adjudicators. Please note the number required below, in addition to the score you will be using yourself:

  • Choral: 3 copies of each selection
  • Jazz Ensemble: 1 copy of each selection
  • Concert Band: 3 copies of each selection

Concert Band & Orchestra Participants

Check-in and Warm-Up
You must check in at the Registration desk in the Conference Centre and drop off your
scores at least 45 minutes before your performance time. Students can leave their
instrument cases in assigned spots in the foyer of the CC before they go to the warm up
room. The warm-up room is available 30 minutes before your performance and one of our Cantando red-shirted volunteers will take your band there. Chairs and a limited number of stands (but NO percussion) are available. Please warm up quickly and be prepared to move to the stage once notified. Please note: this is a warm up room NOT a rehearsal room. 5 minutes before your performance, you will be taken to the ballroom for your performance.

One amp is provided on-stage. If you require more, please bring your own plus extension cords.

A list of available percussion is here

Your allotted time on stage includes coming on and off stage, and any percussion set-up that you require, in addition to your actual performance. We suggest that you use as much of your time on stage for performance – NOT for re-tuning the ensemble. Please note that depending on the size of your ensemble, there may be extra chairs and stands, or some rearranging may be needed. Our red-shirted volunteers will be able to help.

We do have a recommended list here. We are trying to promote quality repertoire and this is a major concern of the adjudicators. They will make comments on the quality of your selections as well as the quality of your performance so choose repertoire carefully.

Adjudication Workshops
50 minute workshops are in the lower venues of the CC and are scheduled either directly
after your performance or later in the day. One of the volunteers, in a bright red Cantando shirt, will lead your ensemble to each room. Note: it is not the same room as your warm-up room, so please do not go without an escort. Be sure to talk with the adjudicator about the format for this and discuss your expectations of the time they spend with you. Let them know about your own specific situation so they can help make recommendations with everything from intonation to scheduling!

Make sure you are available for the entire clinic, as the adjudicators will be designing the clinic for you and your band. Your written adjudication, and music scores from your performance will be included with your adjudication packet. These can be picked up from the adjudicator immediately following the workshop.  

Listening Opportunity
Be sure to schedule time for your students to hear other groups. Expose your students to the music-making of others. In the past, several band directors have asked their own students to act as judges themselves - analyzing strengths and weakness of other groups, listening critically to the music, their own sections, solo parts, etc. Several use standard adjudication forms for their students to make comments about other groups. This is a terrific idea, and I encourage you to think about doing it.

Instrumental Masterclasses

Students can spend 50 minutes in instrumental clinics with specialists on their instruments. You are welcome to attend and move from clinic to clinic.  The specific times and locations for each instrument will be posted at the bottom of our schedule page. Not all rooms are large enough to house all students – 1st come, 1st served. Please send your most serious students to these workshops and this year, due to the size of the available rooms, they take on a slightly different format. While students should still bring their instruments, demonstrations by instructors will typically not involve all students performing as in the past. 

Choral Participants

Choral performances and adjudications will occur on Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Maury Young Arts Centre. A series of mass rehearsals as well as specific voice masterclasses will
be available throughout the day on Friday and Saturday.

Check-in and Warm-up
You must check in at the Registration desk in Maury Young Arts Centre and drop your scores (at least) one hour before your performance time. Arrive at least 30 minutes prior to your performance.  A red-shirted Cantando worker will lead you to a warm-up room. You will have 20 minutes to warm up your ensemble.

Each concert choir has 30 minutes on stage. All choral performances occur in blocks of time that allow singers to listen to other participants. After each performance block, choirs are scheduled for 50 minute workshops with adjudicators. We suggest no more than 15 minutes of performance time. A quality acoustic piano is available only for performance as well as choral risers. Please note workshops are scheduled either in Maury Young Arts Centre or adjacent hotel venues, a short walk so plan your schedule accordingly. Vocal jazz performances are 30 minutes maximum with a 30 minute workshop following immediately in the same Maury Arts Centre venue.  Wireless and Wired mics are provided for the jazz choirs – a limited # are available.

The program for your performance should be varied and include solid choral values in the repertoire you choose. Express your expectations of this workshop to the adjudicator so that they may use this time to your greatest advantage.

Festival Mass Choir

All choirs are expected to sing in the mass choir performance in the Maury Arts Centre on Saturday evening with one of our guest choral performances. This should be a stunning performance and a great opportunity for your singers to perform with others from across western Canada... not to mention who they are performing with!

  • Rehearsals:
    • Friday and Saturday 12:10–12:50pm in the Maury Arts Centre
    • As well as before the performance on Saturday evening at 6:30pm

The mass choir repertoire information will be sent to you in late January. Be sure to learn the music thoroughly and this will be a great opportunity to perform with others from across western Canada.

Jazz Ensemble Participants

Instrumental jazz ensembles start on Friday morning and continue through Saturday late afternoon. They include a 30 minute performance in the Rainbow Theatre and a 50 minute workshop in a separate room.

A drum set, 1 bass and 1 guitar amp, and an electric piano will be provided. You can find details here. You can use your own drum set, if you like. Should you need additional equipment please bring your own.

A warm up room is available 30 minutes before your performance.  Please note: this is a warm-up, NOT a rehearsal room. 

You will have 30 minutes to perform, so time your selections accordingly.

The repertoire is up to you but should be varied in style. 

50 minute workshop with the adjudicator follows immediately after your performance. A red-shirted Cantando volunteer will take you to your location. Be sure to talk with the adjudicator about your expectations of the workshop and your own specific concerns with your ensemble.

Be sure to address any questions to us as they arise. We want to make your trip here comfortable and easy so you can focus on all the music-making surrounding you! THE EASIEST WAY TO REACH US IS VIA EMAIL.  Address your musical questions and concerns to our Director, Dennis Prime, dprime@cantando.org